A public API for PV modeling parameters.
Browsing to pvfree.azurewebsites.net/api/v1/pvinverter/?format=json
will display a JSON string with the first 20 records. The endpoint and query string to obtain
the next set api/v1/pvinverter/?limit=20&offset=20
is contained in the next
key of the string as are the endpoints for each inverter. Note: the query string ?format=json
is only necessary when using the API directly in a browser to display the response. Other formats like XML and
YAML can also be used. When submitting requests, the default format will be JSON but can be changed in the header,
i.e.: Accept: application/xml
. Use the links in the navigation bar at the top of the page to view human readable, searchable,
sortable tables of the API resources in the database.
PV Free is tested on every push to the main branch on
2025-03-23: pvfree is under construction. The tests are running again; check the build status badge. We'll be updating to the latest CEC inverter and module from the NREL SAM libraries, and on the pvlib tab we've added weather, and more is on the way.
The API offers CRUD list and detail operations for the following resources:
API | Endpoint |
CEC/Sandia Inverters | /api/v1/pvinverter/ |
Sandia Modules | /api/v1/pvmodule/ |
CEC Modules | /api/v1/cecmodule/ |
The parameter schemas are determined by the models in PVLIB.
The API is generated by the Tastypie
Django extension. Add the following endpoints to the base URL,
Python has several libraries for interacting with URLs. The Requests package is available from PyPI.
>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get('https://pvfree.azurewebsites.net/api/v1/pvinverter/set/1;3;5/')
>>> response
<Response [200]>
>>> response.status_code
>>> response.content
{"objects": [{"C0": -2.48104842861e-05, "C1": -9.0149429405099999e-05, "C2": 0.00066889632690700005, "C3": -0.018880466688599998, "Idcmax": 10.0, "Mppt_high": 50.0, "Mppt_low": 20.0, "Paco": 250.0, "Pdco": 259.52205054799998, "Pnt": 0.02, "Pso": 1.7716142241299999, "Vac": 208.0, "Vdcmax": 65.0, "Vdco": 40.242603174599999, "id": 1, "Name": "MICRO-0.25-I-OUTD-US-208", "resource_uri": "/api/v1/pvinverter/1/"}, ...]}
Use cURL from the command line.
$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" https://pvfree.azurewebsites.net/api/v1/pvinverter/
{"meta": {"limit": 20, "next": "/api/v1/pvinverter/?limit=20&offset=20", "offset": 0, "previous": null, "total_count": 1742}, "objects": [{"C0": -2.48104842861e-05, "C1": -9.0149429405099999e-05, "C2": 0.00066889632690700005, "C3": -0.018880466688599998, "Idcmax": 10.0, "Mppt_high": 50.0, "Mppt_low": 20.0, "Paco": 250.0, "Pdco": 259.52205054799998, "Pnt": 0.02, "Pso": 1.7716142241299999, "Vac": 208.0, "Vdcmax": 65.0, "Vdco": 40.242603174599999, "id": 1, "Name": "MICRO-0.25-I-OUTD-US-208", "resource_uri": "/api/v1/pvinverter/1/"}, ...]}
The following fields can be filtered using Django
ORM. Add the query strings to the API base URL, api/pvinverter
. Note: use encoded
URI components for the following reserved query string characters: for "&"
"%26", for "+" use "%2B", for "?"
use "%3F" and for "=" use "%3D".
, istartswith
, icontains
, iregex
, iendswith
?Name__iregex=^Power[- ]One
, lt
, lte
, gt
, gte
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